The Easley Chronicles

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Family Day

This was our last family day before Adrian started kindergarten and we rose to claim it. It was sweet...full of laughter and hugs. Looking back on itmakes me a little sad because of the attitude I've been catching from Adrian since he started school. We were in such a good place and I wanted to make that sweet time last forever but I know that, like all things in life good and bad, nothing stays the same forever. If it did I would lose the joy of that time as it all just became something I expected. So we take the next step forward and are feeling our way through it little bits at a time. Anyway, this was a particularly sweet day for which I am very grateful.

This was Lincoln's favorite spot, his very own beachwood horse that he rode and bounced on with as much enthusiasm as could possibly be mustered over such a thing.

Seeing Chad's love for his boys makes my heart melt. I'm so lucky to have a husband that is so totally in love with his kids and thank God for every day we get to spend together as a family.

Time is treasured and sweet with the love of my life, my best friend.

Adrian decided to lay down and enjoy the scenery halfway up the hill. I guess it's the male version of "stop to smell the roses"'s "stop and take a quick nap".

They were so excited for Lincoln to catch up. It was hilarious, you would've thought they hadn't seen each other in months!

Group hugs with three boys can get pretty rowdy and someone almost always ends up being a loving way.

Like I said there was lots of hugging.Run little boys run. Have no care for the world around you, just feel the sun on your face and the ground moving away from your feet. "I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ's return." Phil. 1:9,10

Friday, September 9, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

Having a morning cuddle before take off.

Adrian launched into his first day of kindergarten like an old pro. True to his style he wasn't one bit intimidated. When I asked if he was gonna miss me so much he quickly responded "no, I'm gonna miss you just the right amount my precious mommy." Ha! Smooth as butter that kid. It was really hard for me to let him go.

I didn't have the camera to take pictures at his classroom because I was pushing Nate and Lincoln in the stroller. Adrian charged right in, headed straight for the teacher and started showing her how he can hop on one foot. I wonder how long it will take him to start doing pushups for her. He told me at the end of the day that he liked her and she had a pretty shirt. He also told me he got lost once (very matter of factly). I asked him if he was scared when he got lost but he just said "no, I was just playing and got lost but there was someone to tell me where to go." He loves it. He absolutely loves it.