The Easley Chronicles

Thursday, January 7, 2010

4 generations of Easley men

They all have that "glint" or look of mischief. Be on your guard when you are with all of them at once!

Christmas 2009

We went to California for Christmas 2009. We spent the first week with Chad's family in there new home in Menifee and the second week with Michelle's family in Azusa. The weather was absolutely beautiful and the kids had SO much fun playing with their Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. What a blessing to get to spend that time together! Chad got to golf with his dad, Michelle's brother got engaged and they got to spend some sweet time with Grandma Mary, Adrian learned to hold his breath in the pool with Grandpa "Beach" and Nathan started walking!

Post Nap Cuddletime

Sometimes there is nothing better than when they wake up a little before they are ready. I sat here as long as I could until I felt like my leg was going to fall off. I know these days won't last forever...

A day with the boys

Last week Nathan finally got the concept of using sign language to ask for milk. It's very cute to watch his little hands rapidly open and close and then he will stop, look at his hands, and start back up again. At church on Sunday he ran out of milk in his bottle (NOT happy) and as he was whining and sucking on an empty bottle his free hand was raised high in the, close, open, close, open close. Then he would stop and shout in frustration as no more milk was magically appearing in his bottle.
Last night signing "please" began to click. We were visiting with friends, Nathan in my lap, when he looked down at his belly and gave it a little rub. I asked "is your belly full?" to which he replied with the sign for milk. At this I realized he was trying to say please and encouraged him to do it again while showing him how on myself. So he did, on me. :) Now he will alternate between signing "milk" and rubbing my chest to do the sign "please". It's so sweet to watch the proud look in his eyes that I'm in no hurry to correct him anytime soon.

On a seperate note, I had a day of growth with Adrian as well. When he woke up this morning he was helping me unload a box of Christmas gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Easley. He saw a little memory board game that he decided we should play right away. I proceeded to set it up and read the directions fully expecting it to be a frustrating experience due to the fact that he has never played a board game and doesn't tend to follow rules all that well ;). We ended up having a great time and I totally enjoyed it. What a sweet way to start our day together, sitting on the living room floor learning a new game together. He was also a good helper for me at dinner time. He even stirred my sauce as it cooked which was a first ever ( normally I probably just wouldn't even let him ). I'm trying to let him be more involved in the everyday stuff that I do and I think it is going to have a very positive impact on our relationship.
I thank God for my two sweet boys and can't wait to see how boy number three fits in in his own unique way. 7 more weeks to go!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Today starts the Easley Chronicles. Somehow we need to remember these precious times and my mommy brain is going to need some help...thank God for computers to make it easy!