The Easley Chronicles

Sunday, June 27, 2010


Natey Nate figuered out today to put the right colored blocks on the matching color peg! He was SO proud. Adrian and I cheered him on; he was so excited that as soon as he finished he would dump them all off and start again. Anytime he put one on the wrong peg he would immediately bend over it and say "uh oh" in his deepest no no voice. He is also starting to sound very clear when he say "I want daddy" and "all done".

Adrians prayer

Adrian had a pretty good day today even though he threw a few pretty awesome fits (in public too). We had some talks about how he needed to change his heart and let Jesus shine his light in. After throwing a fit about not wanting to eat dinner he finally got up to the table to eat with Nathan and I. I asked if he would like to pray to which he heartally agreed and said (with no prompting) "Dear Jesus, please help me to obey and not have darkness in my heart. Put your light in my whole body. Amen" :)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Daddy's at sea

Chad has been gone for three days now. I'm not sure what is harder, missing him or watching the kids miss him. Both Adrian and Nathan have been more needy and fragile. Nathan randomly starts crying and saying " I want daddy!" then he'll stop and move on. Adrian falls apart at the smallest things and when I hug him he squeezes me so tight and crys for his daddy until I think my hard is going to explode into a million pieces.
We all miss Chad. We all love Chad. He is the center of our home. His energy is contagious and I think we all miss his companionship, his friendship. I love my husband so much and am so thankful that God has brought us together as a tight knit family the way that he has. Come home soon Daddy, we need you.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thoughts brought to you by Adrian

Driving in the car today Adrian asked, "Mom, how does God jump down here from the sky? Does he have a big giant slide?"