The Easley Chronicles

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

boys boys boys

Life is spinning by faster than I can grasp at it. I feel like we just got back from California but it's already been a month! I haven't even finished one journey when I get thrown into the next.
I can't keep up! I wish I had time at the end of more days to log it all in but it just whips by me.

The wild monkeys are taking over my home more and more every day. Lincoln is almost one (that's it own "I need a whole night to process this") and though he isn't yet walking he certainly can climb. Just try and stop him...he'll smile you to death.

I have my own live band at my feet every time I cook dinner...sometimes they try to serenade me during the makings of breakfast but I squashed that real fast. Sorry boys but my head can only take so much at 7 a.m.. As much as I desire to encourage self expression, I am after all, only human.

Nathan is very much trying to establish his independence these days. Sometimes that includes being helpful, sometimes it just includes the effort to be helpful. The time he dumped an entire box of cheerios on Lincolns tray in an attempt to help feed him breakfast...well I appreciate the effort.

I'm coming off of a pretty challenging couple weeks with Nathan and though we are still having a lot of the same battles as last week...defiance, tantrums, kicking, being two in every essence of the term "terrible twos"...I feel like there is a little more love and grace being passed around this week. The never ending struggle for more patience and wisdom often times leaves me on the floor next to him. But it's those dimply smiles, the way he says "weady?", and how he balls up in my lap to cuddle every morning that keep me going. Not to mention the way that, no matter what sort of mayhem is taking place, you can almost ALWAYS look over at Lincoln and catch him with a big gaping grin on his face.

He smacked himself in the head with a wooden spoon today and never missed a beat...just kept right on grinning.

Boys, boys, boys. I wouldn't trade 'em for the world. They keep me on my toes, they challenge everything I ever thought I had knew or had figured out, and they melt my heart to a big puddle all over the kitchen floor. Better go get the mop...