The Easley Chronicles

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Nathan is having a talking spurt just in the last couple weeks. He is finally making a consistent effort to say/repeat words. Help and Out and Down all sound like "Oow?". Come to think of it, quite a few of his words sound like "Oow?".
The boys and I are enjoying the summer weather lately. Clam digging with Dad, playing in their $14 pool in the back yard and a couple days ago we went to the lake. Adrian had been playing quietly in the water by himself for a little bit, while all the other kids were running around in the grass. After a while he came out of the water and with all seriousness shared his latest problem with me. "Mom, (hands held out dramatically emphasizing) I can't catch a fish. They keep running away from me...I think they think I'm a WHALE. I keep telling them 'it's ok fishy I'm not a whale' but they keep swimming away."