The Easley Chronicles

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Adrian got his first REAL scrape yesterday. It was quite the adventure. While he was outside playing in the street with the neighbor kids he fell off the skate board, scraped up his elbow and promptly sat down to scream bloody murder. His little friend Eric came riding up to the window shouting "emergency! emergency!". Sweet boy, every 2 min for the next half hour as soon as Dad would say "see you're ok, it will still hurt sometimes....AAAAAHAHHAHAA!" it would start all over again. We put a big bandaid on it and he walked around all through today with his arm hangly limply to his side, useless and damaged. He came up to me today, wrapped his arms around me and said " I love you mom. (pat pat) you're soo special."
Nathan is 18 months old now, he's growing up way to fast. He still just seems like a baby to me. Yesterday he said water and today he said kitty. Just once though. If you try and get a repeat out of him he clams up and grunts. He followed me, or more appropriately stalked me, all day today wanting to be held. Anytime I tried to put him down he would raise his legs in the air so they wouldn't touch the ground and cry "na na na" (no no no). It made me feel very loved.
Lincoln is 3 months already and holding his head up really good for tummy time. If you put him in his little floor play gym he justs smiles and smiles and the music star as if he smiles big enough it will play him more music. So I walk by and hit the button for him because I want him to know that his smiles do make music. :)
I love my boys.